Monday, April 20, 2009

Yet another reason to hate beauty pageants

New Rule: People must stop using their upbringing as an excuse to justify being a closed minded idiot and bigot.

In last night's Miss USA pageant, Miss California (who got 2nd place) was asked a tough question about legalizing same-sex marriage. She answered diplomatically that "no offense to anybody out there", but she was raised to believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Don't get me started on the homophobic bigotry of this nice young woman because my mom reads this blog and I don't want her to hear me use profanity. But what I can't stand most of all is people who use the "I was raised this way" defense to justify limiting other people's freedom and quality of life.

Miss California, I am ashamed (though not surprised) that my state picked you to represent us in this retarded superficial contest. I was "raised" in a country that brainwashed its people to believe all sorts of retarded things, like "capitalism is evil" and "communism can actually work". My parents and grandparents grew up in a world where everyone around them was "raised" to hate Jews. But luckily many of these people de-programmed themselves and became kind, intelligent citizens who started using their own brains to deduce right from wrong. If you're going to be a bigot, at least don't credit your parents, who were raised by their parents living in a very different time. And try to notice that many of the freedoms you enjoy today are the direct result of people de-programming the sexist, racist, bigoted misconceptions of their upbringing so that women could vote and join the workplace, a black person could marry a white person, a Jew could marry a Catholic, and so on.

Maybe then you would be worthy of first place.


  1. Great point. As you know, appeals to tradition are fallacies of the very simple-minded. One gentle critique of your post: avoid using the 'R' word!

  2. "Retard" etc. I don't mean to be a nit picker. My disability rights friends have been rubbing off on me, which is a good thing I think.

    This is a great blog. I lurk here now and again!

  3. Civil Unions for everyone! Redefine marriage to be a solely religious entity and Civil Union to be the legal one. Nice post Alla.

  4. And now naughty photos are coming out! []

    I never thought I would see the day where pageants (scholarship contests?) based only on physical appearance would become a bad thing! Worst of all this is tarnishing my fond memories of the movie Miss Congeniality.
